Desperately need help

Yesterday I went to the CPF Board and found out that my Ordinary Account had no funds to pay for the mortgage for my flat.
I was devastated. I finally realise how I struggled to upkeep the flat. Would I be able to continue having a roof over my head?

I always assumed that there’ll always be sufficient funds and now as a single mother, I can’t even finance the mortgage completely via cpf.

I felt panic and fear, being close to tears. With credit card debt, insurance to pay and now my housing mortgage, I felt that the world is crashing down on me. It nearly paralysed me to inaction and denial.

Pray. Unkept praying and prayed for help to resolve this.

God, please help me. I depend on your grace, mercy, love and providence to overcome these problems. Please send someone or money to cover all these debt. I trust you, God.

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